Dwight Schultz(Barclay-"ST:VOY")

James Marsters(Spike-"Buffy")

James Marsters

Robert O'Reilly(Gowron-"ST:DS9")

JG Herzler(Martok-"ST:DS9") and Robert

Robert Picardo(The Doctor-"ST:VOY")

Robert, "Little Sue" and JG

Roxann Dawson(B'Elanna-"ST:VOY"), Andy and Garrett Wang(Harry-"ST:VOY")

Tim Russ(Tuvok-"ST:VOY") and Andy

Roxann and Garrett

Andy, Robert Picardo(The Doctor-"ST:VOY") and Brenda

Anthony Daniels(C3PO-"Starwars")

"Fan" and Virginia Hey(Zhaan-"Farscape") - This fan won the "Dinner with Ginny" charity auction.

Brian Thompson(Alien Bounty Hunter-"X-Files")

Mark Shirrefs(co-author of "The Girl from Tomorrow" TV series)holding some of Andy's TGFT memoribilia

Mark Shirrefs

Robert Beltran(Chakotay-"ST:VOY")

Andyg Photos
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Web gallery generated Tue May 6 01:11:34 2003 with "Swiggle", by Lukas Ertl.